lets be real, twitter sucks, it was always like that, there was a lot of garbage, but sometimes, by the hand of destiny, you could meet some cool people, and have a decade old friendship with them.
but the rest of the website was always crap, i used twitter since 2010.
i wasted a lot of my precious time there, saw (and unfortunately participated in) a lot of stupid drama, but the reason why i kept going there is pretty simple: cool people, a funny happened from time to time, and discover a lot amazing artists.
the peak of twitter was between 2016-2019.
after that the website went to shit (guess who was responsible for that?)
now the plataform is just a shell of his former self, everyone who was originally the reason why i kept going there started to use the website less and less, sometimes i feel like i'm going to have a headche from just using the website for 10 min, the bluecheckmarks doing stupid reddit tier jokes to get likes because the guy we shall not speak the name found a way to reward mediocre posts, AI Slop, coomer content...ugh its a lot, but instead of b_tching about how the old days were better, lets just move on to the new and decent alternative :
i have a BLUESKY account : eunaoseibrother
if you want to check some Work in progress, me getting nerdy about video games/hardware in general, please follow me there,but if you dont want to hear about this stuff, just keep following me here on NG, i dont mind.
i'm currently busy with my full time job and online college, so i wont have time to focus on commission work for a while, and the spare time i have i would rather use for getting better at specific art stuff, my anatomy and pespective skills are non-existent, plus i'm doing a course on Software Engineering, so i have to code some sh_t too, code is more practise than anything, just like art. so i have to work HARD for this time being.
oh before i forget, thanks for the support, i appreciate a lot.
have a good day, afternoon or night...i dont know your timezone....
uh... be cool.
Eu te entendo, eu tenho conta no twitter mas não uso pra praticamente nada, tenho só pra ter mesmo.